
Integration of Dilovod and SMS Club

How to create a reliable technical base, keep online accounting records and automate all business processes at once? We have the answer. Here is the integration of two services SMS Club and Dilovod.

We choose an alternative to software from a country that sponsors terrorism. That is why we offer a Ukrainian counterparty for accounting to replace Russian 1C. Dilovod service allows you to manage time and money efficiently. Free up space for other business solutions!

Order status dispatch

The combination of services makes it possible to set up SMS distribution online in a few simple steps. Changing the order status in the Dilovod system automatically triggers notification in the SMS Club system. Thanks to the integration, the company can quickly notify customers of any changes and inform clients about promotions, novelties, etc.

dilovod and smsclub integration

Status change is a catalyst for texting

Automatic SMS sending completely removes the problem with manual data entry errors and simplifies the sending process.

Mass sending to Viber

Customers can receive notifications about the status of their orders directly via Viber.

auto sent messages via viber

Sending to clients all over the base

Set up automatic notifications to your counterparties in real time.

automatic sending sms with smsclub and dilovod integration

Promotional offers and discount information

With Dilovod and SMS Club integration, inform your customers about seasonal discounts, promotional offers and new products.

Find more services to improve and automate your business in the Integrations section.