MultiTaxi – 3 tariffs for a taxi business project
Modern, maximally simplified in the interface, but powerful in terms of functionality, the MultiTaxi service is ideal for 4 groups that are basic in the passenger transportation segment:
- fleet owner;
- drivers;
- dispatchers (operators);
- клієнти.
Thanks to such a tool that supports modern protocols, you can optimize the work of an existing company or start your own taxi business completely from scratch. It is not necessary to install expensive hardware or a lot of computer hardware to run the application. Thanks to Multitax, you can track drivers on a map, integrate financial transactions, bonus programs, send SMS and inform customers every time a car arrives at an address, or when you want to inform about the launch of a client program or a change in tariffs.
Tariffs for MultiTaxi services
For the convenience of companies that differ in the number of drivers, there are 3 tariffs. Payment for them is made weekly and there is an opportunity to constantly expand the number of taxi drivers working under your logo. Additionally, you can order the following services:
- installation, configuration and support of IP-telephony;
- 24/7 cloud management mode;
- short number service.
Thanks to MultiTaxi, you can fully control work processes, as well as establish a dialogue with customers by sending service and promotional SMS.